Prevail (Pistol 1)
Location of course is a private range near Clarksburg, WV. Directions to the range will be sent by email after purchase.
Prevail (Pistol 1)
Can you get your pistol into the fight and make the shot(s) when it really counts? The objective of the course is to develop each student into a more competent protector with the mindset, tactics, and skill that will prevail when the time comes. The topics covered in the classroom will range from safety and pistol marksmanship to human reaction time, decision making, and much more.
The range sessions will cover several topics to include loading and reloading the pistol, drawing from concealment, drawing while moving, retention and close quarters techniques, moving and shooting, use of cover and concealment, various shoot positions at varied distances, Eye level and retention shooting using two and one handed techniques, malfunctions and how to clear them with one and two handed techniques, precision vs speed, how to shoot more accurately at speed, and more. Come learn how to fight with your pistol!